Monday, May 08, 2006

What was CNN Headline News thinking? Glenn Beck -- No, Glenn Yecchhhhh!

Watching the first fifteen minutes of Glenn Beck's debut on the CNN Headlines Channel was painful. I had to turn it off -- didn't make it to 20 past the top of the hour. It was embarrassing for me to watch a grown man embarrass himself.

Glenn Beck made the Three Stooges look like Rhodes Scholars. Clever, he's not. Suave, he's not. Goofy? That he is!

Here was a radio talk show host -- who is not funny on the radio -- trying to be funny on TV. If he thought he was going to bring something new, hip and creative to cable news, he and the heads that should roll at CNN Headlines News for putting him on TV were so, so wrong.

It was reminiscent of the ill-fated Rush Limbaugh venture into syndicated television. Glenn, remember; What works on radio doesn't always work on television.

The sooner the Glenn Beck TV show is put to a swift death, the better. It would be a mercy killing and spare the cablewaves from any more of this less-than-talented programming.

Go back to the drawing boards, CNN Headline News Channel. This one ain't gonna work!

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